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S.P Wolf

I will like to share some of my Original work, and perhaphs inspire you to share yours.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Royal Academy

I am still struggling to close my suitcase because I have forgotten to pack my school supplies; it is so typical of me to leave it all to the last minute. My mother is downstairs, yelling at me to hurry up. She does this every time I am late for something. Finally it occurred to me to sit on top of the big brown suitcase to close it. “I’m done Mom!” I yell back so she can calm down a little.
She drives me to the airport as fast as she can. I can sense the tension in her shoulders, the way she is holding on to the car’s wheel looks as if she is about to break it. Her sight is on the road the entire time, and not once do I see her blink. “Are you okay mom?” I ask. “Yes, yes, I am fine. Did you pack everything?” she asks “Of course!” I reply. Soon, we are at the airport looking for the departure gate. I hold my ticket with my right hand, and a small suitcase with the left one. “Take care, kiddo,” Mother says. I am so into my thoughts that I don’t notice we have approached the departure gates, with the big blue number nine on it. “Good bye ma” I say, and hurry to the gates before I see her crying.

The flight is only 45 minutes. It takes me a while to figure out that most of the passengers are close to my age, and are alone. None of them us are traveling with an adult in charge. Some are listening to their iPods, others are throwing pieces of paper to their neighbors, a few are playing videogames, and the rest are just using their computers. “Where are you going?” I ask the girl next to me. She has big brown eyes and curly blond hair. When she opens her mouth to answer I can smell her peppermint breath. I don’t like her voice. It is too high pitched and it pierces my eardrums in a painful way. “I am going to Royal Academy, just like every single person on this flight.” She then turns her head to the window and doesn’t speak anymore.
I am happy when the plain arrives at the airport; several buses are waiting for the students, and soon I am outside the institution. This school looked normal on the outside. It is not quite as I imagined but then again I have read so many fictional books that my imagination has gone wild. I have to admit I am a little disappointed. I was expecting a castle, like those in England, or something similar to it. Some man wearing a black cloak comes out of the school and arranges us into groups. I am part of the first group to enter the building. Inside, the walls and the ceiling have a splendid neo gothic structure. Arches and round windows dominate the corridors, followed by double helix stairs made of stone. Nevertheless, it is not just the structure of the school that makes it so different from any other. Only those students with powers could attend, and being out of the ordinary was the key to become part of this prestigious institution. The man with the cloak then asks each student what powers they have. Those who are unsure give background information. I knew what I was, but I never thought I would meet others like me, or others different from me. The man with the black cloak then turns to ask me the question: “Please, say your name and your breed.” His eyes like two flames that illuminate the shadow of his face. “My name is Adam, my mother is human and my father was a vampire, I am a Damphire,” I reply. Some kids start laughing; I saw a few with rage in their eyes. Those whom were near me became scared. I even hear some gasps. “Well, we don’t get many of your kind so often, you will be placed in the vampires’ hall, welcome aboard!” the man shouts, moving away from me. Some kids walk to a corner in order to put some distance between us. Humans think that Royal Academy is a regular school because it looks normal on the outside, but in the inside it is full of mystic creatures.

I have two versions of this story, i don't know what I did with the other one, which was better. :(